Thursday, July 30, 2009

From Tennessee Medical Association (TMA): Health System Reform (HSR) Breaking News

Last night (7/29/09), the Tennessee Medical Association (TMA) received breaking news from the American Medical Association (AMA) concerning the agreement between Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and the leader of the Blue Dog Democrats on HR 3200. Payments in the proposed public option reportedly would be negotiated rather than based on the Medicare fee schedule. States would have the ability to establish health insurance co-ops as well as their own state-based health insurance exchanges. AMA had recommended and supported each of these proposed revisions. Please note that Congressman Bart Gordon (D-Murfreesboro), who has been a long-time advocate for organized medicine, will be offering a series of AMA-supported amendments to address the medical malpractice crisis. TMA has worked closely with the Congressman over the years on these and other options on med mal reform. The announcement also includes the latest on Senate Finance Committee negotiations.

1 comment:

  1. In this post very nicely describe all info about From Tennessee Medical Association. As per my view health insurance is most important part of over life. Now a days each and every people needs health insurance. So this all info are helpful for people.
    Community Association Institute
